New technologies in construction 2022

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Industry Features

The construction industry is often criticized for excessive conservatism, standardization and red tape in the workflow. However, it is not easy to introduce the latest technologies in construction, since the main requirements for objects are safety, i.e. each technology must have a regulatory framework, standardization and self-sufficiency.

the final cost for its development must be adequate, and the efficiency in reducing costs in the future must be significant , plus, prolonged in time. Any technology requires appropriate design and a whole range of work of the project team, quality control, as well as staff training.

The main advantages of technology

But the growth of cities and population, as well as a new format for the level of human communications in the era of BIG DATA, the growth of economies and the well-being of people, has activated the construction industry for a more dynamic integration of innovations and technological solutions. Therefore, new technologies in construction in the world are actively promoted and used.

In addition, the very speed of technology development leads to a large-scale digitization of the construction industry. And the question of applying IT technologies is already a question of competitiveness. Construction innovations transform the construction site and increase profits, as well as win project tenders.


BIM – (from the English building information modeling) is almost the main “whale” in modern design and the main technology that will become mandatory in Russia from 2022 for the construction of budget facilities, and from 2023 – everywhere in the country. The technology implies not just a virtual modeling of a building.

BIM takes into account not just the construction, but also the equipment, management, operation of the facility, the prospect of repair or demolition, that is, covering the entire life cycle of the facility as a whole. All components and nuances in the design that are related to the object are necessarily taken into account and considered in a single project. When removing or replacing any element or addition, the entire model is recalculated with this adjustment.

Thanks to BIM, the created virtual object model allows specialists to:

see all the problems and inconsistencies;
approve the proposed benefits of the facility;
the ability to use the model for all project participants;
make adjustments;
calculate the estimate;
control the work process;
anticipate the risks of a future design;
calculate resources.

BIM technologies reduce:

material costs;
errors in projects;

Having in the arsenal of digital data about the object, the work takes place with the help of a mobile device, thanks to which proper control is carried out at all stages, for example, using the Plan Radar functionality. This solution greatly simplifies the management and control of construction processes, optimizes the result.

Unfortunately, according to the Russian Ministry of Construction, only 5-7% of companies use BIM (mainly in metropolitan areas and large companies), other new technologies in construction in Russia are even less common.

The clouds can have a wide variety of segmented information and tools, ranging from tools for architects to project management systems, which are available to any project participant at any time from a mobile device – the effect of cooperation is increased

Cloud services provide:

high mobility.
the amount of information stored in the cloud is not limited, as well as the computing power of the servers where the data is stored;
scaling in accordance with the needs of the construction project – flexibly adjusted to the needs, no unnecessary is involved, performance does not fall;

affordable services – creating your own IT infrastructure is much more expensive than using a cloud service provider;
instant access to information of all project participants, the entire team;
simplification of communications and collaboration in real time;
the ability to manage multiple construction sites without losing the quality of control – the cloud helps in synchronization;
the ability to reduce the cost of large offices – hosting on third-party servers, no need to maintain your own;
maximum data protection.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the “behavior” of a machine, a kind of technology that imitates human cognitive functions: solving problems and problems, recognizing images, objects and learning. There is also a special area of ​​AI – machine learning, which is based on the collection of statistical data, on the basis of which conclusions and conclusions are drawn.

New building technologies will not do without machine learning and AI. In fact, this is an invisible assistant that analyzes terabytes of data, finding problems. It can be like a routine filtering of unnecessary information, and vice versa, a search for specific data. Programs that use the AI ​​engine are used to:

predictive analytics

predicting a security threat based on past data;
recognition of important attributes and elements at a construction site;
control of the territory, the number of people at the facility, compliance with PPE;

Project planning and design

collected and modeled data will help avoid budget overruns;
tracking and mitigating risks, setting priorities.

Robotic mechanisms, process automation

performing routine, simple, but labor-intensive operations at a construction site, replacing human power;
optimization of work where high productivity is needed.