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1. A set of methods for manufacturing, processing, changing the state, properties, forms, qualities of c.-l. raw materials, material, object of labor in the production process. 2. Integrated tech. a science that studies methods of influencing raw materials, materials, objects of labor. In modern times, the term “T.”

often acts as a synonym for the concepts of “techno system”, “techno sphere”, “production and tech. system”, etc. In this sense, qualities characteristics of T. yavl.  Concept, acc. a swarm development obva is fundamentally determined by the development of T. (under the Crimea is understood, as a rule, modernization), received the name tekhnol.

This definition reflects the philosophical and sociological interest in technology as a social product that encompasses the “metal products” of human hands in the form of tools and machines, as well as the knowledge and ideas included in various types of production activities. Knowledge does not necessarily depend on science as the driving force.

An example of this is the relatively simple forms of mechanization in the early stages of the industrial revolution. The modern development of energy and informatics may, however, depend on scientific advances. Sometimes technology in the narrow sense is treated as machines, but the broader sense implies productive systems in general and even the organization and division of labor. In recent years, a number of authors have considered technology widely as a set of methods and techniques in any area of ​​non-production activity.

Technology is a way of influencing the objects of labor, the procedure for using tools.  The use of technology is associated with the development of certain rules and the use of effective methods of influencing social processes. The essence of technology is manifested through procedures (a set of actions by which the main process.

stage is carried out) and operations (a practical act of solving a problem, a homogeneous logically indivisible part of the management process aimed at achieving a specific goal). Basic requirements for technology: 1) division of the process; 2) coordination and sequence of actions; 3) the requirement to carry out all procedures and operations within the approved technology.

(techne – art, skill; logos – word) – methods of achieving goals due to the state of knowledge. The handicraft way of using, preserving, transferring t. (in training and now “do as I do”) has been replaced by a documentary one. A document is a material object containing fixed information (usually with the help of some sign system on a specially selected material carrier) and intended for its transmission and use. Then T. is a documented set of methods and processes (including control) of processing, manufacturing, changes in the state.

properties, and shape of materials and products used to obtain finished products, as well as techniques, methods, and operations associated with transportation, storage, and storage. The first part of the definition characterizes mainly the physical and (or) chemical effects necessary for the appearance of the product.

the second – spatial movements (recently, the term has been widely used to describe information and social phenomena and processes). Technology is the materializing soul of technology. Its basis is a single documented technological process, an act of movement. T. is a category of epistemology, there is something known, not necessarily true and ethically verified knowledge about what and how to do. And in this ideal quality, it is indestructible: it does not disappear, it is not forgotten if it is documented, becoming intellectual property, or mythologically.

a terrible thing that requires a person to exert maximum effort on his mental (intellectual) abilities; a feature of technology is that for its implementation it is necessary to really understand the essence of things, which is not typical for many areas of human activity, for example, those where humanitarian relations exist.

Technology – a set of actions to achieve the goal; in relation to various areas of human activity, we can distinguish:
– technology for the production of material values ​​(means of production, industrial and agricultural consumer products); we can say “technology for the production of goods”;
– technology for the production of services (help is beneficial, mutually beneficial, imposed, etc.);
– technology to achieve power (political, economic, conceptual);
– warfare technology, etc.
Currently, they talk about advanced technologies, subtle technologies, high technologies, highly efficient technologies, etc. From the field of production of material products (including goods), it is known that a violation of technology usually leads to a noticeable decrease in its quality (to marriage), similar, but much less noticeable, phenomena are observed in other, “non-material” areas of human activity: legal proceedings , government, wars, etc.

Technology, understood in a broader sense, is associated not only with technology, but also with civilizational conquests. When people talk, for example, about computer or information technologies, they mean the new opportunities they open up or the scientific and technological revolution that they bring with them. In this sense, they began to talk about technology after it became clear that civilizational conquests, the achievement of new labor effects are associated not only with new technology.

but also with new forms of cooperation, organization of production and activity, with the possibilities of concentrating resources, with labor culture, with accumulated scientific, technical and cultural potential, with the purposefulness of the efforts of society and the state, etc. Gradually, technology began to mean a complex reality that functionally provides certain civilizational gains (i.e., is a mechanism for innovation and development), and in essence, it is a sphere of purposeful efforts (politics, management, modernization, intellectual and resource support, etc.), which are significantly determined, however, by a number of sociocultural factors.