The most anticipated technologies of 2022

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Today the world is ruled by science and technology. Advances in various fields of science are constantly covered in the media, vaccines against the disease are created in a few months, and breakthroughs in the study of artificial intelligence promise global changes in the near future. 2022 promises to be interesting for discoveries and new technologies, and which of them should be paid special attention to, we will tell in this article.

Reducing carbon in the air

The whole world is trumpeting about global warming, about the excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and about the environmental threat. So why not just pump the extra carbon dioxide out of the air, bringing everything back to normal? Several technologies are being developed to capture CO2 directly from the air. And in 2022, construction of the world’s largest carbon dioxide processing plant will begin in Texas, which will be able to process up to 1 million tons per year.

VR training

Soon it will become even more difficult to force yourself to go to the gym, because you can burn calories at home. And not just burn, but do it in the form of a game. With the help of VR (virtual reality headset), you can play outdoor games where you need to actively interact with your hands, crouch, dodge obstacles and burn excess fat. Such training gained particular popularity during the pandemic, and since the threat of closing community centers will continue in the coming years, such applications and headsets will only improve and, possibly, replace real physical training.

HIV and malaria vaccine

Together with the successes in the fight against coronavirus, scientists in 2021 delighted the whole world with a huge breakthrough in the development of an HIV vaccine using the same mRNA technology that was used in the coronavirus vaccine. 2022 will show how effective the results will be. The same story applies to the malaria vaccine, which will begin testing in 2022. If everything goes well, humanity will defeat the two most terrible diseases of the 20th and 21st centuries.

flying taxi

2022 could be a breakthrough year for flying taxis, as several companies plan to conduct test flights for further commercial use in the coming years. The German company Volocopter plans to become an air taxi operator for the Paris Olympics in 2024. So traffic jams in the sky in the future will no longer be the lot of science fiction.

Quiet supersonic aircraft

We are on the verge of a new era in commercial travel. The thing is that due to supersonic cotton, flights of supersonic airliners were banned, however, thanks to the reduction in the noise level of the NASA x-59 aircraft by 8 times, such a flight became feasible and will take place in 2022. If the tests are completed successfully, then it will be possible to fly from Russia to the United States in just a few hours, even if it will cost a tidy sum.

Sleep technologies

The modern world is turned on improving the quality of sleep. Scientists, selenologists, doctors and ordinary people are trying to improve the quality of their sleep and optimize the time allotted for rest of the body. The latest sleep-enhancing inventions include head rings that record your quality of sleep, sound devices to put you at ease, built-in mattress heating and cooling devices, and smart apps with a personalized experience. Amazon in 2022 announced the release of a bedside tablet that will fully monitor your state during sleep and make adjustments to improve it. According to the developers, it will help prevent many diseases associated with obesity and the heart.

artificial food

It seems that in the near future, opponents of artificial food will also be added to the opponents of GMOs. But its release is already a reality. Today, about 70 companies are engaged in the cultivation of meat in special reactors. In 2020, such an artificial meat start-up became the first company to be allowed to sell products in Singapore. In 2022, several more companies will join it, which will reduce the price of a similar product.

Delivery drones

Already today, on the streets of Moscow, you can meet a food delivery service from Yandex. In 2022, flying drones may be added to it. This is due to the expansion of the existing companies Manna in Ireland and Wing in America and Australia.