Want long life of your smartphone, so never do this work

Want long life of your smartphone, so never do this work

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Smartphone Safety Tips: Smartphone is one of the biggest needs of today. Most of our work is now completed on the smartphone itself. Perhaps this is the reason why people spend most of their time on smartphones. Although everyone takes care of the smartphone, but still there are some mistakes that people using smartphones often make. Many smartphone users repeat these mistakes again and again, which affects the smartphone. Today let’s talk about these mistakes that can spoil any smartphone.

Don’t turn off these features after the job is done

  • The connectivity features like Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth in the mobile must be turned off after the work is done.
  • This increases the battery consumption.
  • >Turning off these features also increases the speed of the phone’s processor.

put on vibration mode 

  • Use the vibration mode only when needed.
  • Many people keep the vibration mode on all the time.
  • By doing this, the phone’s battery drains quickly. Battery life is also reduced.

Keeping more screen on time 

  • The higher the screen on time, the more battery will be consumed.
  • You can lower the brightness to save the phone’s battery.
  • Auto-brightness mode use. It adjusts the brightness of the screen according to the light. This reduces battery consumption.


  • Charge the mobile only when necessary.
  • Do not charge the mobile when the battery is 50-60 percent.
  • Doing this puts pressure on the battery and the battery There is an increased chance of it going bad or blasting.
  • Charge the phone only when the battery is 20 percent or less.

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